Health and wellness is a cornerstone of Sister to Sister International. With a focus on Maternal Health, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Mental Health & HIV/AIDS Reduction, STSI advocates for and promotes healthy lifestyles and health literacy into all of our programs. Almost 20 years ago, we started our Health Symposium, which grew into a Healthy Weekend Extravaganza. We also, implemented a “Sisters Beating the Odds & Claiming Wellness Campaign” for almost a decade. The tag line for the campaign that promotes health screenings is “Knowing Your Stats is where it’s At!”
STSI has supported the adoption of the Affordable Care Act and sponsored educational forums to ensure that the public is appraised on how to access services. We work with physicians and various community stakeholders to break down the barriers related to access to health services for women and families of color, while re-enforcing self-empowerment and responsibility. We have also had a significant impact working with area churches and our faith-based partners like the Kingdom Christian Cultural Center, where many parishioners have become healthy role models in the church, their families and communities.



Knowing Your Stats is Where Its At!
Click Here for Documents

Education is one of Sister to Sister International’s key areas of focus. We have collaborated with other partners around educational initiatives. Also, we have sponsored student and parent workshops with our trusted partner Dr. Angela Campbell and Academic Pathways, over the past fifteen (15) years.
Many of our education forums have been coordinated by college interns and STSI youth members. They have featured college students and career fairs, as well as information sharing for parents on how to be an effective champion for your child academically, along with the art of applying for college scholarships and so much more.
STSI has been on the cutting-edge of STEM education for girls of color, in Westchester County. STSI Founder & CEO, Cheryl Brannan used her educational background to introduce the concept and design of the inaugural program. For over a decade, our multi-faceted STEAM Camp for high school girls aims to assist in remedying the significant lack of representation of women of color in Science Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math fields in the U.S. The STEAM Camp provides advance math and science instruction, STEAM lectures, exposure to STEAM role models and field trips, along with leadership, public speaking, networking, and self-esteem building skills. Our STEAM camp has evolved into a
year-round STEAM Academy.
In 2011, STSI through it’s UN NGO affiliations, facilitated a STEM Camp here in Westchester for a group of 8 Nigerian Lagos State Government students, and 2 teachers. The camp received critical acclaim and received great support, from Nigerian born board member and treasurer, Subomi Macaulay.

STSI is an official UN partner holding Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Department of Public Information (DPI). Over the years STSI has sponsored many global events and collaborated with all aspects of civil society, including governmental and non-governmental entities, as well as the private sector, locally and globally.
We have championed causes related to literacy and the adoption of the Gambian National Library in memory of the late Ruth V. Washington, an STSI friend who was in a fatal car crash prior to serving in her post as Ambassador to the Gambia; to assisting women in Haiti, through our “Helping the Ladies In Haiti Campaign” after their most recent tragic earthquake.
Over the past ten years, our UN Days have become a hit with many students and women looking forward to joining STSI and global partners at the UN annually, to participate in thought-provoking impactful activities, during the Commission on the Status of Women’s sessions and so much more!

Sponsored 10 Annual UN Days & Youth Briefings, Global Workshops & Networking Receptions;
Adopted the Gambian National Library, and donated over 1,000 books;
Collaborated with WHO, raising funds and donating over 7,000 safe birthing “Maama Kits” to women in Africa;
Raised funds for and donated personal effects to our “Helping the Ladies in Haiti” campaign;
Raised funds for the “Gifts of Limbs Program” to purchase prosthetics for youths who lost limbs during the civil war in Sierra Leone
Raised funds for fistula repair in support of girls/women in Niger who are living with fistulas and treated as outcasts
Collaborate with the UNA – USA organization along with the African Women’s Alliance, Women’s Consortium of Nigeria, Millennium Development Global Watch, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Zeta Nu Omega Chapter – Westchester County and UN Women, to name a few.
Donated 10 Scholarships to the Ghana Educational Program under the auspices of Imacus Vienna Robinson a US Citizen who has relocated to Ghana